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It's Always Wise to Revise

Anyone who calls themselves a writer has to be a re-writer because most stories aren’t born perfect. They have to be carved, coaxed, layered, shaded and sometimes shredded into shape. Especially, if we’re talking about picture books. Don’t count on an editor discovering a diamond in the rough. Your work should sparkle before it lands in an editor’s hands. Editors don’t have time to groom writers, even ones with potential. You have to have curb appeal from the get-go. So don’t be a fixer-upper. (Yes, I love real estate shows!)
Read at least 10 PB’s a week.
Find a fabulous critique group.
Read and read and read.
Write and write and write and then…
Revise and revise and revise.
But most importantly, don’t ever give up on your dream. I don’t think this advice alters much even if you have an agent. Really. You have to work even harder then because the bar is raised. If you’re lucky, you get another pair of pretty discriminating eyes to comb through your work before submission. Polishing will always remain part of the process. So let’s get buffing!
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